National Payday is a direct lender that lends small loan amounts for short terms with high APRs. It is an ideal lender for those with less-than-perfect credit. If you are confident of paying back your loan on time, National Payday can provide you a quick loan for your emergency. A word of caution: National Payday is based in Costa Rica. Therefore, the company is not bound by U.S. state or federal government laws.
How is the lender different?
National Payday says it has years of experience in lending and can provide loans to meet unexpected expenses. This lender offers same day cash if you submit your application within the stipulated deadline. National Payday states that it provides friendly, quick and efficient customer service. Your questions will be answered by its payday loan specialists.
National Payday’s online application process is quick and easy. Its automated pre-qualification procedure will let you know if you are approved in minutes. Returning customers’ applications are processed even more quickly. Everything is online, so you can get your loan sitting at home.
Since National Payday is not a broker, its approval process is faster. It does not ask for collateral or faxed documents. Your FICO score doesn’t matter. Since National Payday is a direct lender, it says it will not share your personal information with others. The lender assures that its secure application protects your sensitive information. Its website is thawte verified for security.
How much are the rates?
The fee for a cash advance is a percentage of the borrowed amount. The fee is 25% of the borrowed sum; so for a payday loan of $100, the fee is $25, so the total amount due is $125. For a $200 loan, the fee is $50, and so on.
How to apply for a loan?
Visit to apply online or call 1-877-778-8006.
Lender Details
Most recurring positive comments
- A traditional credit check and faxed documents are not necessary
- Application process and loan approval are quick
Most recurring negative comment
- Interest rates are very high
Loan amount: For your first cash advance, you can get from $100 up to a maximum of $400. Larger loan amounts are available for returning customers – those in good standing with National Payday can borrow up to $1,000.
Loan Period: Maximum term of loan is 16 days
APR: Rates start at 500% and can go up to 1,300%
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for a loan with National Payday, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be at least 18 years of age or older.
- Have no more than one other outstanding payday loan.
- Have a checking account open for at least three months, with no bounced checks or overdrafts.
- A job making at least $1,000 per month.
Personal information required
- Basic personal and financial information
- Residential address
- Residence length (months)
- Residence type (rent or own)
- Email address
- Date of birth
- Home phone
- Cell phone
- Employment information
- Security information
Contact details
Phone: 1–877-778-8006
Email: Fill in a contact form on the lender’s website
Office address: Company’s address is in Costa Rica