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SignRequest Review

SignRequest OUR SCORE 88%
starting price $7
our score 88%
free trial
  1. What is SignRequest
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Technical Specifications
  6. Available Integrations
  7. Customer Support
  8. Pricing Plans
  9. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is SignRequest ?

SignRequest is an e-signature software that provides users with tools to affix legally binding digital signatures on electronic documents. It is an affordable and intuitive solution that allows businesses of any scale to save money and time and enhance document processing. This would result in an increased rate in approvals and could potentially lead to increased income. SignRequest is a scalable application that can be customized to meet any requirements and needs of a business. It also provides users with security features such as utilizing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 256-bit encryption to protect their documents from breaches, unauthorized access, and malicious activities.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money

SignRequest features

Main features of SignRequest are:

  • Custom Name, Logo, and Color
  • Store & Manage Documents
  • 13 Languages
  • Templates
  • Send & Sign
  • Contract & Template Sharing
  • Smart Document Preparation
  • API

SignRequest Benefits


The main benefits of SignRequest are streamlining e-signatures, providing a secure environment, and saving resources: Here are the details.

Streamlines e-signature processing

SignRequest provides accelerated business workflows by delivering a simple and easy-to-use e-signature platform. It that can perform professional, quick integration into companies’ document processes and both users and their clients will find affixing e-signatures a breeze. It wouldn’t take them more than a few minutes to finish the transaction since after signing, approvals will be instantly given and the process is completed. This results in saved time for both users and clients.

Secure environment

SignRequest gives assurance that every document and transaction the system handles is highly secured. The application uses an SSL 256-bit encryption endpoint that protects documents from threats. It also adds another layer of protection to documents being signed by using a GlobalSign digital certificate.

Aside from that, SignRequest can also act as a secure storage place for all the users’ digital documents. This means that electronically signed documents are not only placed in a protected space but on a centralized location as well, which makes it easier for users to access and manage the files.

Saves resources

Companies can save on expenses from using paper products and other supplies used for printing since they are now utilizing electronic documents. Physical office space can also be maximized since there will be no need to store the documents on filing cabinets and such. As a bonus, this also has positive effects on the environment.

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online

SignRequest Integrations

The following SignRequest integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

  • Google Drive
  • Zapier
  • Google Docs
  • Gmail
  • Slack
  • M-Files
  • Salesforce


Customer Support


Pricing Plans

SignRequest pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial
By quote
By quote