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RICOH Tours Review

starting price $45
our score 83%
free trial
  1. What is RICOH Tours
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Technical Specifications
  6. Available Integrations
  7. Customer Support
  8. Pricing Plans
  9. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is RICOH Tours?

RICOH Tours is a virtual tour software that provides not only a platform where you can create 360-degree content but also a camera kit to get you and your team started. This platform enables you to create, refine, and share your 3D content to help your company achieve brand memorability. While anyone who may need a virtual tour can use this platform, RICOH Tours caters more specifically to real estate agents. It was developed and inspired by real estate agents, and as such, is more than capable of meeting you and your team's touring needs. To ensure that you fully maximize its capabilities and features, RICOH Tours offers an easy-to-use UI, which allows you to manage your virtual tours. You can add both 2D and 360-degree images to create your virtual tour and floor plans. Finally, this platform makes it easy to share your content, whether on Google Maps or on social media sites.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money

RICOH Tours features

Main features of RICOH Tours are:

  • Mobile
  • 2D, 3D, and 360-degree Support
  • Analytics
  • Virtual Tour Management
  • Floor Plan Editor
  • Embedding
  • Business Card
  • MLS Compliance

RICOH Tours Benefits


The main benefits of RICOH Tours are all-in-one platform, mobile implementation, and actionable analytics.

All-in-One Platform

RICOH Tours is a virtual tour software that ensures that you have access to everything you need to create, share, and take advantage of virtual tours. From a virtual walkthrough experience to a floor plan editor, this platform comes equipped with numerous tools, enabling you to enrich your clients’ experiences. You can use this platform to embed your tours on various platforms, take advantage of Google Maps to show landmarks, and even create and share your virtual business card. Furthermore, you can also choose to get this platform’s optional camera kit, which can kick start your venture into virtual tours.

Mobile Implementation

To fully ensure that you and your team’s content are accessible, RICOH Tours offers proper mobile implementation. For you and your team, you can take photos with your phone and upload it directly to the mobile app of this platform. For your clients, the RICOH Tours webpage, for both desktop and mobile, ensures that your virtual tour looks exactly the way you want it to. This allows your clients to view your virtual tours anytime and anywhere.

Actionable Analytics

The final benefit of RICOH Tours is its actionable analytics. Through this platform’s dashboard, you will be able to view how many visitors each of your tours have had and which properties are most popular among your potential clients. This information enables you to create targeting and marketing strategies effectively, which enhances your sales and deals closures.

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online

RICOH Tours Integrations

The following RICOH Tours integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

No information available.


Customer Support


Pricing Plans

RICOH Tours pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial
Monthly Plan
Yearly Plan