SpellCheckPlus Review
- What is SpellCheckPlus
- Product Quality Score
- Main Features
- List of Benefits
- Technical Specifications
- Available Integrations
- Customer Support
- Pricing Plans
- Other Popular Software Reviews
What is SpellCheckPlus?
SpellCheckPlus is a web-based spelling and grammar checker developed for students who use English as their second language. This analysis tool is defined as both student and teacher-friendly and seeks to aid students in identifying errors in their writing. It also aims to help them learn from their mistakes and ultimately, write better in English. To accomplish that, SpellCheckPlus is created as a teaching tool that guarantees that students can clearly understand the spelling and grammar mistakes they’re committing. It also provides suggestions on what’s needed for rectifying their errors. SpellCheckPlus is available in both free and paid versions. The free version contains basic functionalities but implements text length restriction of up to 2000 characters. The paid version, on the other hand, does not possess such limitations and it also offers other advanced features, such as a detailed summary of errors and some grammar exercises.Product Quality Score
SpellCheckPlus features
Main features of SpellCheckPlus are:
- Text Archiving Or Writing Portfolio
- Apostrophe Problems
- Teaching Tool
- Thesaurus
- Process-Based Learning
- Suggestions
- Punctuation and Capitalization
- Grammar and Spelling Errors
- Grammar Explanations
- Error Summary
- Interactive Grammar Exercises
- Full-Screen Editor
- Second Language Errors
- Summarizes Errors Into Categories
- Commonly Confused Words
SpellCheckPlus Benefits
The main benefits of SpellCheckPlus are its capabilities especially tailored for non-native speakers, comprehensive identification of errors, independent learning functionality, a corrective method that utilizes process-based learning, and repository of the previously submitted texts. Here are more details:
Ideal for Non-Native English Speakers
SpellCheckPlus is specifically built for second language learners or non-native English speakers. Thus, its capabilities are centered on them. Its features include detection of commonly confused words like their and there, affect and effect, to and too, and more. It also identifies apostrophe issues, punctuation and capitalization mistakes, and grammar errors, etc.
Easy Identification of Writing Mistakes
When the tool is done checking for errors, it summarizes and organizes them into categories, namely spelling, punctuation, word form, word choice, and agreement. With this, it would be easy for students to identify their mistakes. Grammar and spelling mistakes are also given a clear distinction from each other. Grammatical errors are highlighted in yellow and red for spelling errors.
Independent Learning Assistant
The highlight benefit of SpellCheckPlus is how it offers independent learning to students. When it detects errors, the software also provides clear and simple explanations. Thanks to this, students would understand why they’re making these errors and they could decide how to correct them. Also, errors detected are fixed manually by students to enforce an interaction with feedback.
Process-Based Learning Method
SpellCheckPlus does not bombard users with excessive errors that could overwhelm them. Instead, they use process-based learning, a teaching strategy that utilizes a step-by-step method for solving problems, in correcting their mistakes. For example, if there are two errors in a single phrase, students must resolve the first mistake before moving on to the next one.
History of Previous Works
SpellCheckPlus allows students to view all the previous texts they have submitted. This way, they can review their works and all the errors they made. This is also a good way of keeping track of their progress while using the tool to see how much their writing skill has improved.
Technical Specifications
Devices Supported
- Web-based
- iOS
- Android
- Desktop
Customer types
- Small business
- Medium business
- Enterprise
Support Types
- Phone
- Online
SpellCheckPlus Integrations
The following SpellCheckPlus integrations are currently offered by the vendor:
- Microsoft Word
Customer Support
Pricing Plans
SpellCheckPlus pricing is available in the following plans: