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  1. What is
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Technical Specifications
  6. Available Integrations
  7. Customer Support
  8. Pricing Plans
  9. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is is a platform where freelancers and employers can meet and collaborate for projects. With a worldwide user base, an employer can have access to a directory and the portfolios of a wide pool of independent freelance professionals they can hire for certain projects. The platform allows users to be listed as groups or individuals offering their services in more than eight categories. Employers can easily and carefully select a guru or freelancer that he or she thinks is a right match for a required project. Also, businesses are allowed to post a job and even receive proposals. This can all be done using a simple intuitive user interface. offers big companies the chance to manage an even bigger group of jobs and talents through its enterprise-level solution. This service-tier makes the hiring and managing of multiple gurus easier. Furthermore, should a business be enrolled in Guru's enterprise solution, the company is entitled to personalized service from a representative.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money
TOTAL SCORE features

Main features of are:

  • SafePay Integration
  • PayPal Integration
  • Work Collection Viewing
  • Check & Money Order Support
  • Credit Card Transactions
  • No-Cost Job Posting
  • Project Promotion
  • E-Check Support
  • Messaging
  • Time Tracker
  • Status Alerts
  • File Sharing
  • Team Management
  • Project Dashboard
  • Milestone Definition
  • Feedback Management
  • Wire Transfer Support
  • Cash Account
  • Auto-Pay Benefits


The main benefits of are its fair fees, multiple payment methods, easy hiring, and comprehensive dashboard. Below are details of its benefits:

Enjoy Fair Fees only charges small fees for the processing of payments on its platform. There are other payments to be made by a job poster save this and if they feature a job or a service, it costs them $29.95. Furthermore, job posters are not billed for receiving proposals from gurus who are interested in taking projects. In this way, businesses and job posters incur no additional charges for basic communication functions in the marketplace.

Multiple Payment Methods for Convenience

Many employers already have a preferred method of payment. recognizes this, thus it supports transactions other than electronic payment services and credit cards. Unlike other platforms, accepts payments in the form of e-checks, checks, wire transfers, and in-website cash funds. This makes payment procedures more convenient.

Streamline Your Project Management

The platform of includes a streamlined yet comprehensive dashboard where you can view and manage your projects in the website. Your dashboard allows you to communicate with the gurus that you hired, view the status and progress of projects, share files, and even track your guru’s time. Workflow can be easily organized using its simple user interface.

Feature Your Projects

With, you can feature your jobs to reach a greater number of gurus. This service, as mentioned, only costs $29.95 for your job to be featured for 30 days on top of the search results. This can increase the views of your job so it can catch the attention of qualified gurus that can send you their proposals.

Easy Hiring keeps things simple including the hiring process. Should an employer want a guru for a certain job, he or she only needs to sign the deal and the job order will automatically go through. This saves all parties time and hassle leading to a faster closing rate for projects.

Forge Long-Term Partnerships

The platform allows businesses and gurus to form long-term partnerships. provides a list of preferred freelancers that have a good track record so businesses will not have a long and hard time perusing guru profiles. This allows job posters to save time and meet tested gurus who they can move forward with a one-off project or a long-term one.

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online Integrations

The following integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

  • PayPal
  • SafePay


Customer Support


Pricing Plans pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial
2.5% for credit card transactions
Contact vendor