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Columns AI Review

Columns AI OUR SCORE 85%
starting price $15
our score 85%
free trial
  1. What is Columns AI
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Awards Section
  6. Technical Specifications
  7. Available Integrations
  8. Customer Support
  9. Pricing Plans
  10. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is Columns AI ?

Columns AI is a data storytelling tool designed to transform complex data into compelling visual narratives effortlessly. This platform caters to a wide range of professionals, from data analysts to marketers and business owners. Columns AI supports live data connections of various sizes and formats for seamless visualization. This platform allows users to create interactive charts and graphs swiftly, customize designs, and benefit from unlimited cloud storage. Columns AI supports API integration that boosts data connectivity and automation. This platform also offers real-time updates and dynamic visualizations tailored to diverse professional requirements. Columns AI is easy to use and offers comprehensive data visualization capabilities. Overall, it is a versatile tool for anyone looking to communicate insights effectively through data-driven stories.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money

Columns AI features

Main features of Columns AI are:

  • AI-Assisted Data Storytelling
  • Data Connections
  • Publishing and Embedding
  • Live Pages/Dashboards
  • Personalized Styles and Theme Settings
  • Story Auto-Update
  • Time Series Data Forecasting
  • Team Management
  • White-labeling Customization

Columns AI Benefits


Columns AI empowers users with real-time updates, interactive tools, and unlimited cloud storage for informed decision-making and impactful data communication. Here are the benefits of using Column AI in your business:

Rapid Data Visualization

Columns AI enables rapid data visualization through its intuitive interface and robust performance. Users can upload large datasets from Google Sheets directly into Columns AI and instantly generate interactive charts and graphs. This process leverages the platform’s optimized data processing capabilities and live data connections to transform complex data quickly into visual stories. In addition, it productivity by allowing users to visualize trends and patterns promptly and facilitates informed decision-making processes.

Seamless Integration with Data Sources

Columns AI supports seamless integration with various data sources, such as Google Sheets and APIs. Users can connect their Google Analytics data to Columns AI with ease. This integration enables real-time data updates and dynamic visualizations so marketing campaigns’ performance metrics are always current. By eliminating the need for manual data import and synchronization, Columns AI streamlines workflows, enhances data accuracy, and facilitates agile decision-making based on up-to-date insights.

Customizable Visual Designs

Columns AI offers extensive customization options for visual designs. Users can tailor charts, graphs, and infographics to match brand aesthetics or presentation requirements. They can also customize color schemes, fonts, and background themes to align with corporate branding guidelines. This flexibility ensures that visual stories are informative, visually appealing, and consistent with organizational identity. Moreover, it enhances audience engagement and comprehension, making complex data more accessible and compelling through visually cohesive presentations.

Real-Time Data Updates

Columns AI supports automatic data updates by schedule so that visualizations and insights are always based on the latest data. This enables timely analysis of market trends and performance metrics for proactive decision-making and strategic planning. With real-time data updates, users can stay ahead of market changes and make informed decisions promptly to enhance business agility and responsiveness.

Interactive Storytelling Tools

Columns AI provides interactive storytelling tools such as annotations, animations, and interactive widgets. For instance, sales teams can use annotations to highlight key sales figures and trends directly on a revenue dashboard. These tools in Columns AI improve data exploration and presentation and allow users to engage stakeholders and communicate insights persuasively. Interactive storytelling capabilities in Columns AI encourage collaboration and facilitate discussions around data insights for consensus and alignment among teams.

Unlimited Cloud Storage

Columns AI offers unlimited cloud storage for data and visual assets for scalability and accessibility. For example, a healthcare organization can securely store large volumes of patient data and medical research visualizations in Columns AI. This feature supports long-term data retention and collaborative projects that allow teams to access and share critical information seamlessly. Unlimited cloud storage from Column AI simplifies data management and facilitates centralized access to historical data, enhancing efficiency in research and decision-making processes.

Predictive Analytics Capabilities

Columns AI includes predictive analytics features such as time series data forecasting. For instance, teams can use Columns AI to forecast future sales trends based on historical transaction data. This predictive capability helps businesses anticipate demand fluctuations, optimize inventory management, and plan marketing strategies effectively. Columns AI empowers users to make data-driven predictions that drive business growth and operational efficiency by leveraging machine learning algorithms.

Enhanced Collaboration and Sharing

Integration with collaboration platforms like Slack enables seamless sharing and feedback on visual stories within Columns AI. This enables users to share interactive dashboards with team members directly through Slack channels. As a result, this promotes transparency and real-time collaboration so teams can discuss insights, make data-driven decisions together, and track project progress effectively.

API Access for Custom Integrations

Columns AI provides API access that allows organizations to integrate custom applications and workflows with the platform. This enables users to automate data import from their operational systems into Columns AI via API endpoints. As a result, this facilitates seamless data synchronization, custom reporting, and operational insights generation. API access also empowers organizations to extend Columns AI’s capabilities, integrate with existing IT infrastructure, and enhance workflow automation for efficiency and innovation.

Awards Section

Great User Experience Award
In our Columns AI reviews the software has been distinguished with our:
- Great User Experience Award

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online

Columns AI Integrations

The following Columns AI integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

  • GitHub
  • Airtable
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Slack
  • Snowflake
  • Google Spreadsheet
  • Notion

Customer Support


Pricing Plans

Columns AI pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial
By quote