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Base CRM Review

starting price $45
our score 92%
free trial
  1. What is Base CRM
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Technical Specifications
  6. Available Integrations
  7. Customer Support
  8. Pricing Plans
  9. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is Base CRM?

Base CRM is one of the most popular CRM applications today. It is a go-to app for many professionals as it provides them with sales tools necessary to boost their sales performance. It helps them track their relationships with customers by storing all communications and centralize them into one easy-to-understand dashboard. It is also popular for its flexibility. Users are allowed to customize their sales pipeline and collaborate with others. Notes can be pinned about leads. Task assignment can also be done through the software. This really makes it a hub for business operations concerning customer relationship from leads and sales to brand loyalty and aftersales service. Base CRM also integrates with your customers' favorite social media networks among other things such as Outlook and Gmail. This allows you to easily connect with them in a familiar and personalized manner. This helps you listen in conversations, catch trends, and find the perfect spot to interact and engage with your prospects and customers, whatever the issue may be. This is great for troubleshooting, customer servicing, and rolling out promotions. Furthermore, Base CRM has a 14-day free trial period. Support is available always and you can even have Base CRM experts help you out should there be questions about the service.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money

Base CRM features

Main features of Base CRM are:

  • Data 24/7
  • Customer data
  • Auto-updating of contacts
  • Core sales tools
  • Call records, emails and notes
  • Filtering/sorting of relevant data
  • Sales reports and forecasts
  • Call function
  • Track customer interactions
  • Sales pipeline
  • Insights
  • Integration
  • Lead tracking and capture
  • Sales contact card
  • Recording of calls with customers
  • Set sales goals and quotas
  • Syncing of communication
  • Track and sort email
  • Geolocation

Base CRM Benefits


The main benefits of Base CRM are offering a centralized system, providing an easy-to-use platform, improving collaboration, and ensuring comprehensive customer insights. Learn more below:


Base CRM puts everything in one single dashboard for easy management. It links to your email account, phone, reporting, and scoring packages. It comes with sales tracking and storage. All previous sales are stored and categorized. This helps declutter information and file them accordingly for future reference. Furthermore, you can also import CSV files and let Base match their fields with its own database. This saves you time and helps you accurately manage your database.

Intuitive Interface

Base CRM offers tremendous features that are all cleverly packed into an aesthetically pleasing and clear dashboard. There is virtually no training required, much less programming skills. One can even integrate it with third-party applications easily. The learning curve is not steep at all and one can be working with Base in just a few minutes.

Collaboration and Analysis

The solution also allows users to generate forecasts and predictable revenue goals. The information is then made available to every team member. This makes collaborating easier as all people involved are on the same page and the same objectives in mind. Furthermore, Base can track and store chat conversations, voice conversations, and other communications with leads and colleagues. You always can revisit details in meetings and presentations that you cannot remember.


Base CRM’s reports are offered in an easy-to-understand manner. These can easily be printed out or copied for presentations. What’s more is that all of these are automatically generated. You need not make calculations of your own. There will be more time for analysis and presentation than prepping graphics and numbers.

Go mobile. You can keep in touch with the Base CRM platform wherever you are and anytime you want with your smartphone. You can access critical customer information before appointments and report back directly after they are done. This is especially useful when you engage in cold calls or are texting with leads. Additionally, your communications with your contacts can be stored and synced. This makes them easier to sort and find in the future.

Integration. Base CRM can be integrated with many popular third-party platforms such as Google, Twitter, Facebook, MailChimp, Harvest, and Xero among others. This eliminates lags caused by the switching of apps and the opening of new windows. Base CRM is truly a hub that helps you manage all of these customer touch points easily.

Customer Support. Base CRM experts are always ready to answer questions or troubleshoot problems if there are any. The Base CRM team is trusted by many prominent brands such as Cisco, Xerox, and Wells Fargo among many. As a company offering CRM tools, they are also adept at managing their relationships with customers. When you sign up, that includes you too.

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online

Base CRM Integrations

The following Base CRM integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Google Chrome
  • Google Drive
  • Harvest
  • MailChimp
  • Outlook
  • Quoteroller
  • Xero
  • Yesware
  • Zapier


Customer Support


Pricing Plans

Base CRM pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial