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Panoee Review

Panoee OUR SCORE 80%
starting price Free
our score 80%
free trial
  1. What is Panoee
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Awards Section
  6. Technical Specifications
  7. Available Integrations
  8. Customer Support
  9. Pricing Plans
  10. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is Panoee?

Panoee is a virtual tour software that enables you to create informative, professional, and interactive tours. It supports images and videos and allows you to add sounds and narratives. It also provides viewer engagement tools like VR mode, perspective switching, and movement controls. Panoee helps you manage your scenes. You can organize your media for each tour in folders, update scenes by replacing the images, and block specific areas in a panorama. Panoee also enables you to drive traffic for your virtual tours by changing the title and descriptions, publishing the tours on desktop, tablet, and mobile, and catering to the local language. Panoee provides a workspace where you can maximize the drag-and-drop design to create your virtual tours. The workspace also enables you to manage your forms and tours and create and track projects.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money

Panoee features

Main features of Panoee are:

  • Hotspot
  • Interactive Tools
  • Panorama and Scene
  • Publishing
  • Support
  • Workspace

Panoee Benefits


The main benefits of Panoee are virtual tour creation, panorama and scene capabilities, and publishing management.

Virtual Tour Creation

Panoee allows you to create and customize each scene of your virtual tour. You can define hotspots in the tour, add images, sounds, and videos, and control the styling of the hotspot. You can also add notes to provide more information, effects to further engage your users, and icons for easy reference. Panoee also provides design tools to make your virtual tour more interactive. You can control the perspective and movement of each scene, allow your users to experience the tour on VR mode, enable them to move around the scene.

Panorama and Scene Capabilities

Panoee enables you to manage your panoramas to ensure that you’re showing the more important scenes and blocking any sections you might not want your users to see. It supports multiple projections for little planet or mirror ball views. It also allows you to reorder and re-use scenes. Panoee supports multiple resolutions.

Publishing Management

Panoee helps you optimize your published virtual tours to drive traffic and reach your target audience. It allows you to control on-page SEO by changing the title, description and featured images. It also generates a link or QR code that you can use to share your virtual tour. Panoee generates statistics to help you identify which hotspots and scenes are more interesting to your users.

Awards Section

Great User Experience Award
Rising Star 2020 Award
In our Panoee reviews the software has been distinguished with our:
- Great User Experience Award
- Rising Star Award

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online

Panoee Integrations

The following Panoee integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

No information available.


Customer Support


Pricing Plans

Panoee pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial