Anedot Review
- What is Anedot
- Product Quality Score
- Main Features
- List of Benefits
- Technical Specifications
- Available Integrations
- Customer Support
- Pricing Plans
- Other Popular Software Reviews
What is Anedot?
Anedot is a donation platform designed for political campaigns, educational institutions, health foundations, religious associations, and non-profit organizations of all sizes. The app allows you to accept payments via website, text-to-give, or donation kiosks. It is also easy for donors to give recurring donations since the app generates instant forms for them. When you accept the donations, they are automatically deposited in your organization’s bank account. Then Anedot sends automated emails to thank your supporters. Anedot can generate detailed financial reports that show how much funds you have raised and how many you still need to achieve your target goal. The software vendor has friendly and responsive customer service agents who can help you with any issues that you might have while using the app.Product Quality Score
Anedot features
Main features of Anedot are:
- Unlimited Custom Forms
- Customizable Pages
- Post-Donation Upsells
- Text-to-give
- Donor Recovery
- Fast and Customizable Deposits
- Compliance
- Detailed Reporting
- Responsive Customer Service
Anedot Benefits
The main benefits of Anedot are fast and easy donations, customizable pages and forms, and robust third-party integrations. Here are more details on Anedot’s benefits:
Fast and Easy Donations
Anedot makes it easy to accept online donations for your campaigns. Supporters can send donations through your website, text-to-give, or donation kiosks. The donations are automatically deposited in your organization’s bank account and Anedot sends automated thank-you emails to your supporters. The app also has a donor recovery feature that follows up people who weren’t able to finish donating.
Customizable Pages and Forms
Anedot allows you to customize your donation pages. You can name your campaign, add the campaign’s mission, design donation widgets, and insert different amounts that donors can simply click to donate. You can establish fundraising goals and contribution limits. You can also customize the donation forms and embed them into your website. Additionally, the app has instant forms for people who give recurring donations so that they don’t fill up the same form again and again.
Third-Party Integrations
Anedot integrates with a diverse array of third-party apps. It integrates with CRM apps such as ActiveCampaign, digital marketing apps such as MAPP Empower, email marketing apps such as MailChimp, tax preparation apps such as NETFILE, and online payment apps such as PayPal. For instance, you may want to integrate into contact management software.
Technical Specifications
Devices Supported
- Web-based
- iOS
- Android
- Desktop
Customer types
- Small business
- Medium business
- Enterprise
Support Types
- Phone
- Online
Anedot Integrations
The following Anedot integrations are currently offered by the vendor:
- ActiveCampaign
- Advoc8
- Aristotle 360
- Aristotle CM
- Crimson
- CrowdSkout
- Iterable
- IS Political
- Klaviyo
- Mailchimp
- MAPP Empower
- NationBuilder
- NetFile
- PayPal
- PlanningCenter
- Trailblazer
- uCampaign
- WebHooks
Customer Support
Pricing Plans
Anedot pricing is available in the following plans: