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pCloudy Review

pCloudy OUR SCORE 75%
starting price $39
our score 75%
free trial
  1. What is pCloudy
  2. Product Quality Score
  3. Main Features
  4. List of Benefits
  5. Technical Specifications
  6. Available Integrations
  7. Customer Support
  8. Pricing Plans
  9. Other Popular Software Reviews

What is pCloudy ?

pCloudy is a cloud-based mobile application testing solution designed to help developers ensure a consistent and smooth experience for end users. It contains libraries of over 500 iOS and Android devices so you can objectively view your app’s performance in smartphones and tablets. pCloudy gives you access to automated and manual testing options to support swift app debugging. Apart from that, you can also nominate to have a crowd or bot help you in the process. It offers additional platform hosting options as well. Teams and developers who wish to get a solution that is hosted either on-premise or in the cloud can request the setup to match their needs.

Product Quality Score

Ease of use
Customer support
Value for money

pCloudy features

Main features of pCloudy are:

  • CPU Utilization Tracking
  • App Debugging
  • Bug Reports
  • Memory Consumption Tracking
  • Test Automation Scripts
  • Battery Drainage Tracking
  • Device Pool
  • Field Scenarios Simulation
  • Parallel Scripts
  • Direct CI Testing
  • Functional Issues Identification
  • Real Network Testing

pCloudy Benefits


The main benefits of pCloudy are its vast device library, real device testing, and automatic script testing. Here are the details:

Wide Variety of Device Library

With the help of pCloudy, users have access to over 500 iOS and Android devices to test their applications. This helps them accelerate product delivery and allows them to ensure that the end product will run in multiple screen sizes.

Also, the software assists developers and groups in finding the device they need to test the app. Instead of scrolling through the library to see their preferred device, they can use the software’s search functionality that filters the results according to location, OS version, manufacturer, and real SIM network.

Real Device Testing

Instead of providing emulators, the software offers developers and users tools that they can use to test apps on actual devices. Through this, they can ensure that products are mistake-free before they are released.

Automatic Script Testing

To support smooth debugging, testing, and fast delivery, the software provides developers with an option to automate their app testing processes. pCloudy contains multiple automation methods that can run parallel with each other for quicker testing.

Application Checker

Nobody wants an application that consumes much of the resources of devices. That is why it is essential for them to track the impact of their app on devices’ memory, CPU, and battery. It provides real-time insights to developers that will help them enhance the performance of their apps, making them more attractive and compelling to target audiences.

Human Feedback

In some other time, the results gathered from machine platforms aren’t enough. The software understands this and that is why it offers a community of real users and testers who provide their personal feedback regarding the app’s performance. Thus, teams and developers acquire a more profound understanding of how users can benefit from their applications.

Technical Specifications

Devices Supported

  • Web-based
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Desktop

Customer types

  • Small business
  • Medium business
  • Enterprise

Support Types

  • Phone
  • Online

pCloudy Integrations

The following pCloudy integrations are currently offered by the vendor:

  • OpKey
  • Appium
  • JIRA
  • Android Studio
  • Selenium
  • Jenkins
  • Espresso
  • Robotium
  • Apache JMeter
  • Eclipse


Customer Support


Pricing Plans

pCloudy pricing is available in the following plans:

Free trial