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Compare HMR Diet With Weight Watcher: Which Diet Is Better?

by Arthur Zuckerman

Sticking with your plans to lose weight may prove to be easier if you are able to select a diet that best matches your lifestyle. But among all the commercial diet programs out there, which diet should you pick? Two of the best-known commercial diet programs available in the market right now are the HMR Diet and Weight Watchers Diet. You might ask: Which one is better?

Let us discuss the pros and cons of both the HRM and Weight Watchers diets to see which one works better and which diet is more suitable for specific people or situations.

When selecting a diet for you, you should consider a number of factors. Among these factors are the diet program’s effectiveness for weight reduction, protection against heart disease or diabetes, how easy it is to follow, how safe is a diet plan you follow, and nutritious, etc.

Why Weight Watchers Diet?


Like the other diet programs out there, Weight Watchers Diet offers you a way to lose weight. Its diets are within the good range for nutrients as well as the amount of carbs, protein, and fat your body should have.

Generally, this diet program assigns points to every food you consume, based on its fat, fiber, protein, and carbohydrate value. In short, foods that fill your stomach up the longest “cost” the least. Nutritionally dense foods will cost less compared with empty calories. A backbone of this diet plan is the multi-model support access from other people who’ve reduced weight using the Weight Watchers diet and kept it off.

Advantage: Allows You to Monitor Your Food Intake

Launched in November 2010, its PointsPlus program assigns ranks to food you eat, assigning every food a point value depending on its carbohydrate, protein, fiber, and fat contents.

Under this program, nutritionally dense foods cost you less compared with those that offer empty calories to your body. In the program, the food choices that fill up your body the longest “cost” points the least. For instance, if you are thinking whether to get a 200-calorie fruit smoothie, rather than say, an iced coffee with the same calories, the fruit smoothie is better. A good backbone of this plan is it allows you to get support from those who have significantly reduced their weight using this diet program.

Advantage: Hundreds of Recipes to Choose From

The plan gives dieters hundreds of recipes—all of which are indicated with a PointsPlus value, giving you an idea of how it actually fits into your eating plan.

Vegetarians, gluten-free lovers, and those with other dietary preferences will also easily find items and recipes that have been tagged for them.

Advantage: You Can Calculate Food Ingredients Manually

If you are whipping up a dish that is not listed or registered in the program’s database, you can easily calculate points you will get ingredient by ingredient, with the use of tools available on your mobile device or through the plan’s website.

Advantage: It Answers Your Weight-Loss Goals

While the HMR Diet also offers you a good way to reduce weight, the Weight Watchers Diet is a better choice in terms of your short-term and long-term goals of reducing weight. Basically, under the program, you can eat food that you want. Unlike other diet options, there are no food restrictions. As a dieter, you have the flexibility to customize your own diet.

Disadvantage: Seems Tedious and Pricey For Some

But of course, this does not mean that the Weight Watchers Diet would magically transform your weight overnight. In fact, some people who have relied on Weight Watchers Diet have admitted to difficulties following its rules, especially in its point-tallying system which they find tedious. The Weight Watchers Diet can also be a bit pricey for some.

Why HMR Diet? 


This does not mean also that those taking an HMR diet are doomed to fail in their weight loss aspirations. Make no mistake about it: The HMR is also a good way to reduce weight, by minimizing calories entering your body with the help of meal replacement with added vegetables and fruits. The diet program also encourages you to learn health lifestyle strategies, perform more physical activities, and increased personal accountability.

HMR Diet is still a top and effective diet program. Its rigorous approach in reducing weight can be very effective for those people who have tried other dieting approaches that are more flexible. Meal replacements can indeed be a good way to reduce weight. The program also allows an option for medical supervision.

Advantage: HMR Diet Is Well-Researched

It is onsidered among the best-researched diets out there in the market. It has existed for more than three decades now and a lot of hospitals and medical clinics tend to endorse this diet program.

Advantage: Automatic Food Delivery

The program’s Quick Start diet kit has all the HMR foods you would need for the starting three weeks, with the exception of fruit and vegetables, which you need to provide for yourself. The program has automatic food shipments that will then arrive at your home every two weeks. The plan’s Home delivery helps ensure that you would never run out of food, which in turn could interrupt your weight loss program.

Advantage: Phased Approach to Weight Loss

The HMR Diet has a phase approach for your quick start on weight loss. It has structured phases that would guide your weight loss program every week.

Disadvantage: Needs Medical Supervision

However, some critics of the diet program point out that people who lost weight because of this have done it with medical supervision.

Comparing the two popular diet programs, the Weight Watchers Diet offers you a better option if you are to consider the factors above. Among the two, the Weight Watchers Diet is a more ideal partner in terms of your weight reduction goals, whether in the short-term or long-term period. This diet program also offers you other numerous healthy benefits aside from weight loss: it is also a good diet to promote a healthy heart and fight against diabetes. In addition, the Weight Watchers Diet is also one of the easiest commercial diet programs in the market to follow.

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